Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ronnie M.

Well, well, how excited am I? I am now able to proudly strut around wearing my Veronica Mars T-shirt. The designs for the two shirts were crafted by Ronnie M. herself, Kristen Bell, and are exclusive to Kickstarter backers for the feature film coming out in Spring 2014.

In addition, I received these delightful stickers in the mail. I have planted the "Mars Investigations" one smack-dab onto Fern, my laptop. (Yes, like a car, I've named my computer. And my car is named Chloe, FYI.)

Oh, and for those of you whom want to take a peek at this featurette, have at it (*it's 4 minutes):

"Logan or Piz?" Logan, obviously!


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