Monday, November 06, 2006

Cassandra is dancing!

Well, many of you know that Cassandra is my muse. For the uninitiated, Cassandra is my antique mannequin. Right now she's wearing my Madonna & Child T-Shirt, the one I got in Russia, painted by Da Vinci (?). Did I get the artist correct? Shame on you, Nathan, you should know better! Plus she has on a black wool cap. She looks great. Anyway, I'm printing off some stuff here at home, and the printer is wobbling around on the unsteady table, and Cassanda looks like she's dancing! It's great -- as always, I have music blasting into my ears while I write, and Tori's "Datura" came on, and that Whiplash-y part of the song came on (the part that reminds me of Jesus Christ Superstar with those eerily poetic 39 lashes) and Cassandra is just bopping around to the song. She's pure Jennifer Beals at the end of Flashdance right now!

I sat with J for a long time yesterday. I read, and napped, and talked to him. Thank you all for expressing your concerns and thoughts. Funny, people "give me credit" for doing things like volunteering at Our House, but really, we all do our part in different ways. Some of us stop to pet dogs we pass on the street; some of us raise wonderful children; some of us know how to cook really great meals to make people's tastebuds happy; some of us are telemarketers and take people's calls and help them pay their bills on time. So, yes, I love what I do to "get involved" but I can't express enough how much I'm impressed by all of YOU, by your unique talents.

On that note, I'll leave this short posting....I will mention I just started The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling. Wow. I'm already hooked. It's a collection of stories, poems, and essays about, yep, the Green Man. The intro. got me hooked right off the bat....and another little "coincidence" (that word should be stricken from the dictionary) entered my Life. I had decided to listen to some music compilations I'd made for people, and I had one in the car with Katell Keineg's "The Battle of the Trees." This song has been on my mind a lot, and I decided to listen to the CD. Anyway, that CD was in my player, and during my last few minutes with J there was a mention in this book's intro. about an ancient text, The Battle of the Trees, and it involved traditions/history of the Druids, and how it wasn't an actual battle of trees/Green Men but a battle of words, a clashing of language. I had no idea that Katell's song was based off this. After I said "See you soon" to J, I got in my car and listened to Katell's song. I love that it was right there, waiting for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nathan!

So I'm listening to Sarah Harmer's Lodestar tonight and thinking, my little sister Eve, really needs to hear this tonight.

I hope all is well with you. I'm glad Cassandra is rocking out, as she should be. Hope seems to be spreading these days, as it should.

So, the funny thing is, the Battle of the Trees is a great song. If I were to give you an assignment, it'd be to listen check out a song by XTC, from Apple Venus Vol. 1, called "the Greenman." Don't know what it's worth, but wanted to pass it along to ya. Take care=)


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