Monday, July 16, 2007


Mom, Ben, and I went to the Oregon Country Fair this Saturday, the land of make-believe (which, as you all know, is not make-believe to me but reality). We walked amongst faeries, Green Men, a purple & silver space alien on stilts, children with butterfly wings, lots and lots of shirtless yummy people, and more. Some of my highlights were: the hemp milkshakes; all the music playing; again, the bookstore in the woods; stolen moments of being close, warm, next to Ben and Mom; the water sprinkling out over the crowd at times; the hemp store where I got my new pants and purple hoodie; the mystical,magical trees and dirt and scents in the air and stores with thatched roofs with moss growing on them; really, just about everything. In life, many if not most transcendent moments--when we feel close to God, the Universe, call It what you will--pass by and through us in a flash. An exquisite flash, but a temporary foothold none-the-less that reminds us to go, keep going, keep trying, keep hoping. On Saturday, that moment lasted all day, starting with the morning at home and all the way through the drive home. My inner muse (Hi, Cassandra!) opened up like river upon river upon ocean and filled me up with characters, storylines, settings, descriptions, juicy emotions tangled into delicious knots. I feel at peace.


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