License Plates and Other Interesting Occurrences

The last couple weeks have been a mishmash of images and convergences:
The robin smacking into the sliding glass door after I'd just written a scene in my novel about a robin smacking into a sliding glass door.
Tara's Shakespearean/King Lear take on the first season of Twin Peaks.
The Echo Maker.
Jacki's dream about the peacock and Snowy Owl....Tara and I recently had a talk about peacocks, and their mystical presence....She sent me a card of a woman with peacock "wings" sprouting from her back, and I took a picture of myself posed behind peacock feathers. And, since Snowy Owls play a significant role in my novel, I found it extra fascinating and wonderful that Jacki (a coworker of mine at Our House) came up to me and told me she had an urge to talk to me about her dream....In it, a beautiful peacock was perched on the top branch of a tree, right above a Snowy Owl on a lower branch. The peacock swooped down gracefully and spread its wings over the owl.
My secret dream about the Witch and the Horned Owl.
Smurfette's bizarre appearance in several places in Portland.
Matt's observation about the Doubting Thomas reference in Lawn Dogs.
A horrible encounter with a license plate.
Nicole Linde's Solstice.
So much more.
Lately, my highs and lows have been working me over. I feel exuberant and totally exhausted at the same time! It's hard to describe. Right now I'm foggy and a touch sad and a touch curious. I've been analyzing lots of my choices in regards to some of my relationships, and also my part in them, my desire -- consciously or subconsciously -- to fill up parts of me that can't live with the mystery of my childhood. Maybe that's not a bad thing -- maybe I needed to know the underbelly of some things. It's only after the burns that I wish I'd stuck to ice cream. Hmm.
Had myself a good cry (or three) on Sunday, and Ollie just came over and gave me his "What can I do?" look and that made everything okay.
I am so happy at Our House, so thankful for my mother, so missing my brothers, so loving my writing, and so intrigued by my relationships with men. Gosh, I think I want all the answers, but if I really pause to reflect I realize: where's the Romantic Scavenger Hunt in any of that? I say bring on the clues, those little scraps of enlightenment! Puzzles weren't pieced together in a day -- at least with my weird style of sleuthing!
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