Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The ions in the air were so fresh last night after the brief rainstorm, and as I walked away from saying goodbye to Marieke I glanced up and watched the moon through the clouds for a bit. Saying "See you soon" can be so difficult. There's so much in that last hug for the time being, so much in those words and glances and head tilts. Marieke is a special light, filled with passion and power and kindness, and I just know that our friendship will continue to burst up like roots, tangling and becoming stronger, together. I was thankful for the chance to spend the evening with her, and she put the word "ion" in my mind. I've been rolling it around. That air sure crackled with a peaceful blanket of cleanliness.

p.s. Thank you, Marieke, for the stones and the book. The stones fit perfectly in my hands, and I held them a bit before my morning writing ritual.


Blogger Marieke said...

Nathan, you are such a special friend. Thank you for the laughs, encouragement, positive energy. Our visit was long overdue--but don't worry, there will be more. Here's hugs, hugs, and more hugs.


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