Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I think I was a tree in a past life. Seriously. I think about trees all the time, their leaves and curling branches, the way they sway in the wind and whisper-yell. I keep thinking faeries are going to leap out at me from them -- to haunt me or give me a big hug:) Lately, I keep reading stories, and hearing about, all these things involving people turning into trees or vice versa. Granted, some of these are from the Green Man book, but these other little symbols keep popping up (the card of the Green Lady, my conversation in Barnes & Noble with two of the clerks). In any case, it really all goes back to: that darned pagan part of my personality; being f-in' terrifed of the Evil Tree in Poltergeist; my fascination with the film The Wisdom of Crocodiles and Jude Law's fall from the branches; Enya's album The Memory of Trees (such a haunting title); and so much more....When I don't think people are peeking, I like to go up to trees and kiss them, or scrape my fingers over the bark. I'm also a big fan of sniffing flowers and kissing them, too. Yep, that's me: Mr. New Age-y Cheesefest. Voila!


Blogger Alice said...

I've always been quite fond of trees as well. I found that I like the ones that are unique and different. Super narley or is it knarley anyway um the old oak trees that twist and turn,even though they are so creepy...there's something about them I just love! Anyway take care and stay warm.


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