Happy Halloween (tomorrow) -- to one and all....
I sure do love Halloween, the kids all decked out and trick-or-treating....passing out candy to them....eating some candy myself....watching scary movies and smelling crisp (or wet) autumn leaves, not to mention those caught whiffs of fires burning in fireplaces or in bonfire pits in the backyard. I'm a happy camper.
Had my usual pre-Halloween horror movie fest this past weekend. Things kicked off with Christina coming over Friday night (with Mom, Ben, Ollie, and myself) for some Simpsons Clue and some Michael Jackson dancin'. Friday bled into Saturday, mimosas and delicious breakfasts at Francis's, followed by some great movie watching (Poltergeist, Exorcist, Hellraiser). It was lovely to cozy up with all my friends and family amongst the heaps of blankets and pillows and bean bags. So good to be warm inside that home that Mom has decorated so creepy and cute at the same time. And nothing tops off a good weekend more than a Sunday breakfast and awesome talk with Tara, She of the Wisdom.
It's been an interesting couple of weeks. I helped Karla and Steven get their new iguana home safe and sound, and the couple who rescued him also rescued this baby doll from the roof of their apartment building. Julio has been a bit, um, damaged, but he now has character: a drawn in mustache; ripped out hair; snake and web and dagger tattoos; a big "FUCK ME!" written on the back of his head; "THUG LIFE" written on his eight fisted knuckles. No worries, Julio. You now have a good home at the Buck Motor Inn, where all the Misfits are loved and appreciated and respected.
Still feeling lots of ups and downs with my emotions (and experiencing plenty of weird dreams in the process), but I also am feeling more centered, relaxed, something. Hard to put a finger on. I'm letting some things go.
Been really enjoying my time with Mom....seeing all the amazing work she's doing on the San Raphael house....and I'm just loving Ollie more and more everyday, that little goofball. It seems to be the details that are the best parts of life sometimes: catching Ben with a beautiful expression, rolling over to see his cat Missy sleeping next to me, hearing a needed song, seeing two young children help their mother rake leaves in their yard. My heart aches and breaks and heals and rejoices all at the same time sometimes.
I sure am blessed to have such a great community. This weekend was just the perfect example of that -- my annual extravaganza was, simply, excellent.